About me

Even with years of trying, presenting oneself is tricky. It looks like self-aggrandizement. There! You know what I mean :)

I am a professional advertising writer and Creative Director for about 24 years. I have worked in large networked agencies to medium size stand-alone agencies to my own boutique shop. The experience spans from handling clients of any size and their communication requirements of any nature. Understanding and building brands is the space that I am in which requires business understanding, communication, strategic direction setting and creative leadership to meet defined objectives. Ideation, writing and design direction are my core skills -- strongly developed and matured over years with trying, failing and learning.
Outside work, I am an outdoor junkie and love to trek, cycle, drive and travel. I nurture multiple interests like photography, gardening, cooking and DIY. Books, movies and art are my big loves. Before advertising I used to be an oilfield driller, and even before that, a civil engineer < madrain

Call / WhatsApp: +91 9820279022
Mail: arindam.paperboat@gmail.com
Skype: arindam.paperboat

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